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Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Sunday, March 18, 2012
How To Age Copied Paper To Look Antique
I found an old wooden traveling salesman case and thought it would look amazing as spice cabinet. Well the inside wouldn't look attractive with information about earplugs as the background. So I decided to visit the Fort Sill Gift Shop, "The Post Trader" and see what I could find there. Well I didn't find anything old looking but I did find a cookbook with old Southern recipes in it. {LIGHTBULB} I wasn't sure exactly how I was going to use it but I knew I wanted it to be part of my spice cabinet. So I took it home and put it with my file of "old cooking info." In there was also some handouts I received from Mammoth Springs State Park in Arkansas. I sat it aside for a bit then went to get a cup of tea. While folding cloth diapers I spilled some tea on the table and it got on one diaper: "Oh man this is going to stain!" {LIGHTBULB} STAIN+TEA=TEA STAIN!!! Yes, that was a great idea. So I made copies on our printer of the cookbook I just bought. I tested one page to see if the ink would run...NOPE! SPECTACULAR...I WAS NOW IN BUSINESS.... So here's the steps:
Coffee (Optional)
Cooling rack or old towel
Old rag, heavy duty paper towels, sponge, or sponge paint brush
***ALWAYS DO A TEST RUN FIRST!!! If your printer ink runs, try a friend's printer or a copier.***
1) Boil a pot of tea for 20-30 minutes or longer... WATCH YOUR WATER LEVELS SO YOU DON'T BURN YOUR POT (yes I've done that
2) Have your papers ready and an area to dry them out. A cooling rack works great or an old towel.
3) Take an old rag, heavy duty paper towels, sponge, sponge paint brush, or you can use the tea bags and dip it in the tea, allowing excess to drip off. (I used the tea bags)
4) Lightly dab the paper with the rag, don't rub it. You are simply dabbing softly to stain the paper.
5) Allow to dry. This will give you a light tan or gray color.
6) If you want a darker/more brown paper, add instant or a strong boiled coffee to your tea. I wanted the more brown/older look, so I added instant coffee to the tea. This gave me the look I wanted.
7) When the papers dry you won't be able to see through them like you can in the above picture.
This is what I started with:
Once my papers dried I used "Mod-Podge" to decoupage the inside of the traveling salesman case.
I decided to mix a little Mod-Podge with about 1/8 of a cup of water, 1 TBS instant coffee then paint over my previous decoupage layer. This is what I ended up with. I LOVE THIS!
Coffee (Optional)
Cooling rack or old towel
Old rag, heavy duty paper towels, sponge, or sponge paint brush
***ALWAYS DO A TEST RUN FIRST!!! If your printer ink runs, try a friend's printer or a copier.***
1) Boil a pot of tea for 20-30 minutes or longer... WATCH YOUR WATER LEVELS SO YOU DON'T BURN YOUR POT (yes I've done that
2) Have your papers ready and an area to dry them out. A cooling rack works great or an old towel.
3) Take an old rag, heavy duty paper towels, sponge, sponge paint brush, or you can use the tea bags and dip it in the tea, allowing excess to drip off. (I used the tea bags)
4) Lightly dab the paper with the rag, don't rub it. You are simply dabbing softly to stain the paper.
5) Allow to dry. This will give you a light tan or gray color.
6) If you want a darker/more brown paper, add instant or a strong boiled coffee to your tea. I wanted the more brown/older look, so I added instant coffee to the tea. This gave me the look I wanted.
7) When the papers dry you won't be able to see through them like you can in the above picture.
This is what I started with:
Earplug Traveling Salesman Case |
Once my papers dried I used "Mod-Podge" to decoupage the inside of the traveling salesman case.
I decided to mix a little Mod-Podge with about 1/8 of a cup of water, 1 TBS instant coffee then paint over my previous decoupage layer. This is what I ended up with. I LOVE THIS!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Check out this Homeschool Curriculum Giveaway From Currclick
This is a GREAT giveaway..... Homeschoolers check it out. Montessori based which is GREAT for kids who need more hands-on learning.
Here is the quote from the blog giveaway page: Fa
Be sure to check them out of Facebook too!
Don't forget to like me on Facebook and to follow my blog!!! Follow me on Twitter too!
Here is the quote from the blog giveaway page: Fa
"Crestview Heights Academy is dedicated to creating high-interest, hands-on materials for active learners. Stephenie McBride, a homeschooling mother of two, is the owner and materials author for the company.This is a giveaway that everyone should check out!!!!!
Finding that traditional approaches to education didn't always work for her children, Stephenie set out to create activities that would teach the same concepts with less writing and more fun. The materials cover a range of topics and use various homeschool philosophies, from Montessori to unit study to lapbooks and notebooking. All items are available as pdf downloads from the Crestview Heights Academy store. Click here to checkout her blog! "
Be sure to check them out of Facebook too!
Don't forget to like me on Facebook and to follow my blog!!! Follow me on Twitter too!
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
The Power of Seven For Homemakers
I was sitting here today content on not doing anything but relaxing. Then rushing around in a messy house later, trying to get everything ready for church tomorrow. Then I was praying for energy because I'm tired today. It's like my "get up and go" has "got up and went". Then I God said "I created and rested in 7 days. What can you do with 7 minutes?" WOW! Powerful thought.
What can I do with the next 7 minutes that God gives me?
OK, in that 7 minutes (using the kitchen timer) I was able to put clothes in the dryer, new load in the washer, and swept carper of the movie area of our living room. (Our living room is a great room divided in half: movie area & homeschool area). Oh yeah you did read that right... I swept the carpet. My vacuum was broken in a recent move and I'm waiting to get it fixed. However, the sweeping quickly helped pick up my heart rate and I'm not feeling as sluggish. Of course, I was rushing to do as much as I could in 7 minutes. I'm a competitive person so I like a challenge. My heart will be better now that I've got it pumping faster than if I had sat on the couch "resting".
WOW! I worked for 14 minutes. My oldest son (5) woke up and wanted to help me clean (RARE). So I kept working. In the first 7 minutes, I finished sweeping the carpet in the living room, opened the curtains, and swept half the kitchen. In the second 7 minutes, I finished sweeping kitchen and the laundry room, which is behind the kitchen, and we cleaned off the table.
I think I will base my cleaning upon "7". I have read and used the Flylady system, which is a good system but it doesn't work for moms of little ones. When the kids are awake, 15 minutes is a large amount of time for them to stay busy without bothering mom, whereas, 7 minutes is perfect. If they are loving what they are doing then I can keep going with another 7 minutes giving me 14 minutes total. I get a better feeling of accomplishment. However, if I try working for 15 minutes and get interrupted and don't meet my goal I feel like I'm defeated. I see a win-win with 7 minutes.
UPDATE: I'm able to clean anything even lacking motivation when I tell myself it's only 7 minutes. To get my house all clean I bounce around between rooms every 7-14 minutes depending upon the task I'm doing. Plus 7 minutes helps me realize I can quit after the 7 minutes are up. Some days my energy is too gone because I'm feeling ill, one of the kids are sick, or I was up late at night for whatever reason. The only tasks that I must devote more than 7 minutes to are planning (menu, homeschool, budgeting, etc), cooking, and doing taxes.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Top Essential Oils That Every Mom Needs
essential oils need to be diluted using a carrier oil. I prefer "pure
oils" like almond, extra virgin olive, grapeseed, coconut oil as carrier
oils. Pure oil is a term I use to describe oils that are made from
pure natural ingredients. Vegetable oil, canola oil, corn oil are not,
in my opinion, pure oils because they contain corn, soybean, cottonseed
or other plant based materials that are KNOWN to be genetically
modified. Enough long term research has not been done to determine if
GM/GMO foods are dangerous to health. It's best to avoid things man
created to "improve" God's creation without knowing any negative effects on the body.
keep essential oils out of reach of children. Whenever choosing an
essential oil for a treatment have on hand a guide to essential oils
(available at any health food store or major bookstore). You can also
use the internet for a guide.
*Scientific Name Matters
Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca Alternifolia*):
Strong antiseptic, anti-inflammatory,
anti-bacterial, anti-viral, fungicidal, parasiticide, and expectorant properties. Some resources say that tea tree oil is an immono-stimulant.
benefits of Tea Tree Oil are so numerous that I can't list them all.
This oil is the FIRST that, in my opinion, every mother needs in her
medicine cabinet BEFORE commercial first aid products. Only in recent
years has the properties been proven scientifically. Tea Tree Oil has been used in Australia for centuries by the Bundjalung people. (1)
The American Cancer Society reports: "Tea tree oil is toxic when swallowed. It has been reported to cause
drowsiness, confusion, hallucinations, coma, unsteadiness, weakness,
vomiting, diarrhea, stomach upset, blood cell abnormalities, and severe
rashes. It should be kept away from pets and children." (1)
However, many other countries and literature available list Tea Tree
Oil as being non-toxic, but can be an skin irritant to some. My best
advice is to avoid ingestion and to use as directed for the use you are
needing. I have seen Tea Tree Oil as an ingredient in toothpaste and it
has been used in treating periodontal diseases.
following list is from a new age website. I DO NOT agree or support
this website or it's beliefs in ANY way. I believe in Jesus Christ as
the ONE and ONLY true God, who created the plants the oils are derived
from. I only reference this site because it has the largest list of
conditions the oils will treat.
Quoted From Earth Child: "Dandruff, mouthwash, cuts, insect bites, pimples, abscess, acne, athlete's foot, blisters, burns, cold sores, herpes, oily skin, rashes, spots, veruccae, warts, wounds, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, sinusitis, tuberculosis, whooping cough, vaginitis, cystitis, colds, fever, flu, infectious illnesses such as chicken pox. "
Lavender Oil:
The known properties of lavender oil are antiseptic, analgesic, anti-convulsant, anti-depressant, anti-rheumatic,
anti-spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, bactericide, carminative,
cholagogue, cicatrisant, cordial, cytophylactic, decongestant,
deodorant, diuretic, emmenagogue, hypotensive, nervine, rubefacient,
sedative, sudorific and vulnerary. (2)
consider Lavender to be the first essential oil to purchase. I rank it
in TIE FOR FIRST. I think Tea Tree Oil and Lavender should be purchased
at the same time. I use both of these in making my baby wipes.
"Lavandula officinalis makes a more complex and desired essential oil, but is more expensive because of the difficulty in creating it. Lavandula angustifolia is easier to grow, but the essential oil derived from that variety is slightly more limited in its uses."
Lavender is consider to be one of the safest essential oils. But if you have a reaction to it, discontinue use. Caution should be exercised when
purchasing lavender so that you are getting lavender NOT LAVANDIN.
Lavandin is a weaker oil and should be avoided for home medicinal uses.
Lavender is a calming herb and oil.
It has been used to help with fussy babies, ADHD, tension, and
relaxation. It is one of the few essential oils that can be used
"neat". Neat meaning this one doesn't NEED to be diluted with an carrier
Quoted from Earth Child: An excellent first aid oil. It soothes cuts, bruises and insect bites. One of the most versatile therapeutic essence. It is used for nervous system disorders such as depression, headache, hypertension, insomnia, migraine, nervous tension, stress related conditions, PMT, sciatica, shock and vertigo. Lavender is useful in treating skin conditions such as abscesses, acne, allergies, athlete's foot, boils, bruises, burns, dandruff, dermatitis, earache, eczema, inflammations, insect bites and stings, insect repellant, lice, psoriasis, ringworm, scabies, sores, spots, all skin types, sunburn and wounds. Other applications of lavender is for the treatment of disorders such as lumbago, muscular aches and pains, rheumatism, sprains, asthma, bronchitis, halitosis, laryngitis, throat infections, whooping cough, abdominal cramps, colic, dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea, cystitis, dysmenorrhoea, leucorrhoea and for flu.
Clove Oil:
Only recently did I had Clove Oil to my medicine
cabinet and I wish I would have added it years ago. Recently my oldest
son had a toothache. It was a Friday and I couldn't find a dentist who
was good with children. It was also late in the afternoon and most
businesses were closing. I bought clove oil to get him through the
weekend because I read that it was good for toothaches and pain. IT
WORKS. It's not a cure all so it didn't end the pain, but it stopped it
for a period of time.
Clove oil is known as a "analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-neuralgic, carminative,
anti-infectious, disinfectant, insecticide, stimulant, stomachic,
uterine and tonic."(3)
Precautions: Avoid in pregnancy.
Possible irritant to sensitive skin. Do not use on children
under age 5.(4)
According to
- You can add clove oil to your diet as a wonderful health nutrient by mixing ten drops of clove oil in half a glass of warm water. It also refreshes the mind, removes mental fatigue and stress, and results in good sleep; hence it is used to treat insomnia as well.
- Ingesting it also helps in curing bronchitis, asthma and any other respiratory disorder. It also helps in purifying the blood.
- Due to its anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties, clove oil is widely used in the treatment of toothaches. Diluted clove oil is applied on the affected areas of the teeth and gums. It gives you immediate relief from the nasty pain that is characteristic of tooth aches and gum sores. It is therefore used to make gum paints and medicated toothpastes as an active ingredient.
- Clove oil can be used for improving blood circulation. Mix a few drops of oil with sesame oil. Massage gently all over your body till the oil vanishes.
- It is an excellent pain reliever as well. If you happen to suffer from joint pains, mix a few drops of clove oil with some other essential oils like sesame oil, rosemary oil or lavender essential oil, and massage it on the affected area. It will prove to be highly effective in relieving the pain.
- Gargling with a few drops of clove oil added to some lukewarm water can also help soothe and heal a sore throat. It also helps in getting rid of bad breath. Due to this property of clove oil, it is used in the making of mouthwash products.
- Due to its antifungal, antibacterial and stress relieving properties with its specific pleasant aroma, clove oil is added to some bathing soaps.
- Clove oil is also used in making perfumes and cosmetic products like body lotions and antiseptic beauty creams.
- These are some of the many uses of clove oil. You should be careful when using this oil as it is very strong; it should be diluted before use. Do consult your health care provider before using it as a treatment for any medical condition.
Patchouli Oil:
The properties of patchouli oil are antidepressant, antiphlogistic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, astringent,
cicatrisant, cytophylactic, deodorant, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicide,
insecticide, sedative and tonic. It is non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing, but the smell of
patchouli oil may be a little persistent for some people and large doses
may cause loss of appetite in some individuals. (5)
According to AromaWeb "Unlike most essential oils that oxidize and diminish in therapeutic and aromatic
quality over time, Patchouli Essential Oil improves with age like
a fine wine."
The known uses for Patchouli Oil:
Anxiety, allergies, cellulite, dandruff, hypertension, skin conditions (acne, eczema, dermatitis, scaring, wrinkles, soothes inflamed skin, tightens sagging skin, tissue regeneration or fades scars), digestive problems (nausea, diarrhea, vomiting), hemorrhoids, vein tonic, water and fluid retention, weight reduction and wounds.This oil also assimilates toxic material in the body! (6)
I have used Patchouli and Lavender Oil in my homemade laundry detergent.
Thyme Oil:
The EPA has approved thymol, which is a chemical component in thyme, as a disinfectant. I've use a product for years which is thymol based for disinfecting instead of using bleach or "lysol". I will be searching the internet for thyme oil which has not had any chemical components removed. However, this oil can be toxic if not used properly. See this TLC link about Aromatherapy for more information about Thyme Oil.
Other oils I'm considering to add to my medicine cabinet, along with links to show their properties:
Myrrh: Experience Essential Oils & Esoteric Oils
Frankincense: Experience Essential Oils & Esoteric Oils
Peppermint: Experience Essential Oils & Esoteric Oils
Rosewood: Experience Essential Oils & Esoteric Oils
Sandalwood: Experience Essential Oils
Ylang Ylang: Experience Essential Oils
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